Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

I have nothing else for you.

Friday, October 26, 2007

SFB : What's Next?

Bill gave me a good idea. I'm going to try to wrap my head around "effectors" for each score. I'm not going to get into what defines a score. Things like "oh, they are a 56 because she doesn't like this or that" are just not going to happen.

I have no idea why I'm working on this. Smart money is on "because you are bored."

Example 2 : 10-40-90

This is what I'd consider a stereotypical marriage. Sex is "meh", they really aren't "friends" but they understand how to live together very well.

Example 1: 50-25-75

  • S - Sex life is average. No one is complaining, but no one is bragging.
  • F - Not really "friends", they probably hang out together - but rarely in other groups.
  • B - Good solid co-existence. Money is fine, no super aggravating habits.

The SFB Relationship Model

I was awake at about 4am this morning. As I lay in bed, half awake/half asleep, I started applying programmatic thinking to interpersonal relationships. This type of analysis is usually applied to business problems or programming.

I've identified what I believe to be the 3 defining characteristics of relationships: Sex, Friendship and Business.

The SFB Model Overview
The SFB Model applies a score (i'm still flushing out the scale, but i'm leaning toward 100 pt) to the 3 components of the relationship. These 3 scores then produce a 3 point graph. It is my contention that if you understand the shape of your graph, you can more objectively look at that particular relationship.

Let's look at each component, and then discuss some examples.

This is pretty straightforward. If two people are physically and chemically compatible, they get a high sex score. If they are non-sexual, they get a zero.

Physical attraction not acted upon can be factored in, if it is believed to be mutual. Even two friends who are simply physically expressive (hugs, kiss-hellos) can have a low S-score with a bit of sexual tension.

It is important to note that the score can be high even if someone isn't having a ton of sex. It is the compatibility, not the frequency or even the quality. If two people are perfectly content having sex once a month, then they are compatible.

The F-score is the compatibility of two people on a friendship level. Examples of compatibility such as:
  • Common interests and activities
  • Common friends
  • Outings together
  • Planning events together
I'll think of more examples later. A good litmus test is: If you are going out to a rock show or to a bar, do you want this person to come with you? Put that on a scale of 1 to 100, 1 being "never ever", 100 being "every single time".

The B-score is a bit more elusive than the others. It can also be thought as co-existence. I call it business, because it's less "fun" than the other scores. Here are things to consider to determine the B-score:
  • Financial
    • If you live together
      • do you fight about the bills?
    • If you share money
      • do you agree on what money should be spent on?
    • If you don't live together
      • is one of you cheaper than the other?
      • Who always picks up the check?
      • When splitting the tab, does one of you ever split the tax? If so, i hate you.
  • Cohabitation(this assumes you live together)
    • Cleanliness. Again, if you're both slobs - great. If only one is a slob, ouch.
    • Decor and Feng Shui. Do you agree on how things are decorated and layed out? Or does one person at least not care?
  • Communication
    • Communication styles vary widely in relationships, the question is do the two people communicate well with each other.
    • If one person never actually communicate their thoughts, it can be problematic.
    • If both never say what they think, it might be ok - or it might explode into pots-n-pans.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Oil Cans

Oil cans are kind of funny things... have you seen anyone use one lately?

I took this pic in my wife's parents garage. I went around and photo'd nature all around their place. Lots of cool stuff, up-close.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Cubbies Lose

Positive note: the great thing about the Cubs not making the playoffs is... I can stop watching TBS. If I had to see one more fucking FrankTV ad, I was gonna lose it. Seriously, who is going to watch that show?

Stride Gum

Blogging out of spite right now.

Stride Gum (spearmint) tastes just like Wrigley's Spearmint... and it's sugar-free. I popped a piece right at 12pm... and I'll comment when I'm done with it.

[update: 30 minutes]

Review: Radiohead - In Rainbows

Got my email at 1:20am. I was sleeping. Downloaded it and stuck it on my ipod, listened on commute in to work.

After the 1st listen, here is my take.

15 Step - There are a few songs i've heard live on youtube and the like, as well as when they played here last year. This is one of those songs. It's techno-ee, pop-ee. I liked it, and was surprised they opened with it.

Bodysnatchers - Another one i'd heard live. This song rocked pretty hard. At this point I was kind of like "holy shit, they're putting out another Bends".

Nude - Ok, slowing it down now. Starts with typical weird, flowing back-and-forth synth sounds with Tom's falsetto over top. Then it moves into a 70's ballad - but not too weird.

Weird Fishes/Arpeggi - Snappy beats again, but not as aggressive. A bit repetitive at times, but we all know that's part of their MO.

All I Need - A lowkey-piano song. Slow-ish... but at about the 3 minute mark it starts to rock pretty hard. I think that part live will make many people happy.

Faust Arp - This was is pretty different, imo. Acoustic guitar and strings. Tom sings something Jack Johnson might have written (take it easy, i don't mean that it the bad way). It was at this point I realized The Bends was not happening again.

Reckoner - Turn up the treble! More treble, more treble! I think they recorded the beginning of this song under a bridge. I liked this song, I think i'll like it more after a few listens.

House of Cards - This song could have been on Eraser. It sound like Tom is just doing his thing.

Jigsaw Falling into Place - Ohhh I liked this one. It's happy, and the warm group vocal humming make me smile. I want to hum along and I don't know the song. The lyrics amble along with a strong purpose, like an upbeat Wolf at the Door. Probably my favorite song.

Videotape - Slow down exit music. Open with piano and Tom singing. Slowly add bass and a tiny little drum beat. Throw some signature weird sounds in occasionally. Fin!

Overall - Exactly what i expected.

Tokyo Police Club

I meant to post this the other day...

I went to Tokyo Police Club monday night at Schubas. They were great, they are always great. I've seen then a handful of times in the last year. They rank up there with Arctic Monkeys and Pearl Jam in terms of consistency (not the same music, of course, just consistent).

They played 37 minutes, took a 30 second encore break and came out and played 1 more (approx. 1.5 minutes).

Rocking for less than 40 minutes is a great f'ing idea.

After the show, I talked with Graham (keys, yelling), he said they are putting out a new record Q1 next year. When I seemed disappointed he said "it's amazing how long it takes once it leaves your hands".