Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Old Posts : New Thoughts 2

Cory and I are uninformed. This doesn't stop us from bitching that everyone is dumb and that we are really smart.

11:24] cory: thoughts on dependencies on foreign oil?
[11:37] snoogiboogi: raise gas prices
[11:37] snoogiboogi: $10 a gallon
[11:37] cory: make people drive less
[11:37] snoogiboogi: yep
[11:37] cory: get bikes
[11:37] cory: get in shape
[11:37] snoogiboogi: ride trains
[11:37] snoogiboogi: etc
[11:37] cory: use their fat blob of a body
[11:37] snoogiboogi: you got it
[11:37] cory: walk to a train
[11:37] cory: instead of the garage
[11:37] cory: fucking america
[11:37] cory:
[11:38] snoogiboogi: use taxes on gas prices to pay off national debt... then cut my income taxss
[11:38] cory: what about people that actually need to drive
[11:38] cory: 10 bucks a gallon still
[11:38] cory: mom doesn't have a resonable route to work w/o driving
[11:38] cory: i think you should make it 10/gallon in major cities
[11:38] snoogiboogi: carpooling
[11:39] snoogiboogi: people are clever, they'll figure it out
[11:39] snoogiboogi: how far does your mom drive?
[11:39] cory: not far
[11:39] cory: she could bike if she left early
[11:40] snoogiboogi: so she'll start looking at a hybrid car next time around too
[11:40] snoogiboogi: use electricity
[11:40] snoogiboogi: which is from burning coal
[11:40] snoogiboogi: fossil fuels rock1
[11:40] cory: walk
[11:40] cory: lose weight
[11:41] snoogiboogi: some people do have to drive
[11:41] snoogiboogi: but they'll just have to factor that into the decision to work at a certain place
[11:41] snoogiboogi: industry will have to carpool workers
[11:41] snoogiboogi: free gas for buses
[11:41] cory: blog this
[11:42] snoogiboogi: more (smaller) towns will adopt public transit

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