Monday, August 13, 2007

Fatherhood and My Former Life

My single life is forfeit. My married life as well. My life revolves around a tiny person.

It hit me, maybe for the first time this last weekend that everything that was, is no more. I'll be sad to see some of those times go, but I am not sad overall.

My friend Katie said it best to me, "it's not good, it's not bad, it's just what's next". She's a smartie for a young lady from Vegas.

There were those that said, "your life will change." No shit?
There were those that said, "it's the best thing that will happen to you." These are the people I would like to talk to. I did not clarify what they like the most. Is it the little smile? I think most of those people like to either A) want to have total power over something, B) want something to need them or C) want to see something of themselves in a new life.

The weight of responsibility begins a few days in. Prior to that it's all a whirl. However, I don't think parenthood starts until they know you are their parent. I'll check back on this subject in a month.

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